ALCS Championship Game

As we were making our way from Dallas to Houston we were wondering what there might be to do in the area, besides visit George H.W. Bush’s Presidential Library (which we are going to do).  Then it hit us – oh yeah!  There’s a baseball game going on there, right?  Houston Astros?  Boston Red Sox?  Game 5 of the ALCS?  Hmmm….wonder if we can get tickets?  Wonder if we can afford tickets?  The answer, obviously, was yes to both!

We had a great time hanging out at the bar across the street waiting for the stadium to open, and met some super friendly people.  No question about it, some of the friendliest people in the U.S. are from Houston!  We found two brothers who were headed to the game, one in support of Houston, the other Boston.  They agreed to let us borrow their hat for a picture.

The Astros have a couple of traditions you won’t find anywhere else.  First, they have a train in the upper rafter level of the stadium.  A real train, manned by a real human being.  Any time the Astros hit a home run that train runs from one end of the track to the other, blowing its whistle in celebration.  Although the Astros lost the game (sealing the Red Sox’s place in the World Series), they did manage to hit one home run so we wer able to witness the train in action.

Another difference is the 7th inning stretch.  Houston fans begin the stretch with the Star Spangled Banner, then sing Take Me Out to the Ball Game, and finish with Deep in the Heart of Texas.  A lot of fun!

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