Indoor Skydiving

We were fortunate enough to spend Tuesday and Wednesday, October 16th and 17th, with our friends, John and Lisa Barrett in Dallas.  Once again we were having so much fun hanging out with them we failed to take pictures for most of the visit.  Included in the visit was a stop at iFly Indoor Skydiving and an introduction to Top Golf.  We totally spaced getting pictures at Top Golf – let us just say that despite the freezing cold wind and rain that left icicles in poor Lisa’s blood it was a total blast.  If you have one near you and haven’t checked it out, you might think about it.  You don’t have to be a golfer to enjoy it.

We did, however, remember to memorialize our first indoor skydiving experience.  Unfortunately, Pam was ineligible to fly because of her bum wing.  The fake shoulder won’t let her raise her arm high enough to effectively navigate the wind thrusts in the flight tunnel (good news is that the flight instructor said these same conditions don’t exist when you do the real thing and he cleared her for doing a real life buddy jump!).  Lisa has had rotator cuff surgery and wasn’t anxious to relive that, so the guys had to enjoy the thrill for all of us.  It was a blast!

Thanks, John and Lisa for a memorable and enjoyable visit!

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