LBJ Library

What an educational day! Ken is old enough to remember LBJ’s presidency, but Pam was just a baby when he became president. She was quite surprised and touched to learn how much of her life has been touched and shaped by this man who was so committed to the advancement of civil rights, public safety, and the preservation of our park systems. We’re told LBJ was quite the communicator, very fond of talking on the telephone, so there are phones everywhere in the library, each of which will connect you to a series of recorded phone calls. One of those calls is between LBJ and the recently widowed Jackie Kennedy who is expressing appreciation for the way he has treated her in recent days. The warmth in that exchange speaks volumes about their relationship.

LBJ was one of only four individuals to have served in all four elected positions – the House, the Senate, the Vice Presidency and the Presidency.  He was Senate Majority Whip and Senate Majority Leader, the position he held when JFK first became a senator.  When WWII broke out, he was the first Member of Congress to volunteer for military duty, serving in the Navy.

Johnson had “…an unmatched ability to persuade people to his point of view. He used a mixture of charm, intimidation, logic, kindness, cajolery, and horse-trading to get the deals he wanted.” It describes how he would often get very close to the person he was talking to to make his point, often pushing his face into that of his listener, leaning over a shorter man or thrusting his finger into their chest. This was known as the Johnson Treatment, and it is what is happening to Ken in the photo above.

It is unfortunate that LBJ’s presidency is so defined by our engagement in Vietnam. There was so much more to the man and his presidency – and his legacy. We are so glad we visited his library, and so grateful for all that he did to move our nation forward, including the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Fair Housing, immigration, clean air and seatbelt laws, the Education Act, Vietnam Veterans, bills…the list goes on.




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