Good friends always have time for you.

After our visit with Rachel and Luke we headed a little further west to visit our friends the Tyrees.  Along the way we stopped at a local park to get some steps in (our goal is 3-5 miles/day).  After some trial and error, Ken found Vlasis Park in Ballwin, MO.  It was a beautiful location on a beautiful day.

Lisa Tyree is another friend from our time in Springfield. Lisa was head of HR while we were there. She’s since moved on to bigger and better things with another company, which makes the rare opportunity to visit with her and her fabulous family all the more special. Once again we got so busy having a good time we forgot all about taking pictures. We would love to be able to share the sight of the Tyree’s oldest daughter, Carly, as she labored over a batch of her famous toffee, or Caitlyn’s (the younger Tyree) bright and open face as she talked about possible plans for college, or, perhaps best of all, the consternation on Eric’s face when Lisa lured Ken into playing the Queen of spades on a trick Eric ended up taking in one of several games of Hearts. Needless to say, we had a really good time with the Tyrees, despite our lack of photographic evidence. We did manage to get one picture – not the best of Ken, but that’s totally Pam’s fault – with Ken and Lisa before we left.

Thanks for the wonderful hospitality and good times, Lisa and Eric!




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