Nawiliwili, Kauai (Hawaii)

The sun was just beginning to peek above the horizon as our ship made its way into the harbor at Kauai, Hawaii on February 4th after 5 days at sea. We were greeted by a pilot boat responsible for guiding the ship into the harbor and avoiding all the hazards along the way. Kauai is the oldest of the main Hawaiin Islands, and is often referred to as the Garden Island because of its many tropical rainforests, cascading waterfalls and abundance of natural beauty. It is one of Hawaii’s least populated islands with only 66,000 residents and generally popular with those who prefer a quieter, more serene experience of Hawaii.

Kauai is also known for being overrun by wild roosters and chickens. We’ve heard a couple of explanations for this, but the most common seems to be Hurricane Iniki, which ripped across the island in 1992, destroying chicken coops and releasing the domesticated birds into the open. There were too many to round up in the aftermath of the hurricane and over the years their population has grown so much many consider them a neusance. On the plus side they are beautiful birds and they eat pesky bugs; on the minus side they are literally everywhere and Pam wasn’t too fond of them waking her at 4:00 a.m. every morning when we stayed here with our friends Bob and Kathy Kelln a couple of years ago.

Because we’ve been here before we opted to spend the day on the golf course. It started out beautiful, but by the 9th hole it was pretty wet. The rain didn’t bother Ken, though, and he ended the day with a terrific 85 for the day. Not bad!

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