The Great Barrier Reef (Part II of II)

Pam has never been able to master the art of the snorkeling mask and breathing tube, so she opted for a different kind of adventure.  She went on a Sea Walk!

She donned her wet suit, put on a weight belt, and descended into a “holding pen” in the ocean space below the platform.  There she waited as a pressurized helmet was lifted over her head via crane (these puppies are HEAVY!) and settled onto her shoulders, making her look more like she was preparing for a space walk than a sea walk.  She made her way down another set of steps, completely submerging herself in the sea below, her helmet tethered to the oxygen chamber above.  Staff guided her along a metal rectangular platform that allowed her to mingle with the fish without having to deal with that pesky snorkeling mask.  There were professional photographers there to help capture the moment, and Pam augmented their photos with a few of her own (see if you can tell the difference – ha!).  Pam’s pictures prove that giant fish in the professional photos really was that big – no photoshopping here!

It was a fantastic experience lasting a short 20 minutes.  She would have stayed all day if they would have let her. 

2 thoughts on “The Great Barrier Reef (Part II of II)

  1. Wow PAM that took a lot of courage. I wonder if Bob would be up for that if given the chance?!? Great talking to you two last night. Will have to call JENN that way but I think her knees might buckle from the shock😉. Thanks again for your informative post. 🌈Kathy

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