Welcome to Hong Kong! (04/13/2019)

We arrived in Hong Kong to cool weather and the threat of rain. It is a city of tall buildings and shopping for days! The Hong Kong Ocean Terminal, where our ship docked, empties into one of the biggest shopping centers we have ever seen – four stories with more than 700 shops and 50 eateries, and it was PACKED! We had a few hours to kill between our arrival in port and a scheduled special event, so we spent a little time exploring. Armani, Dolce, Versace (for kids, even!), Tiffany….we weren’t doing any buying but plenty of other people were – and they brought their suitcases with them to do it! Our evening tour guide explained that things are much less expensive here than in Shanghai, and it’s close enough the Chinese can hop the ferry over in the morning, spend the day filling their suitcases and get back home in time for dinner. That’s some serious shopping!

Oceania sponsored another exclusive event for its Around the World travelers tonight – a dinner show at the Hong Kong Hockey Club, originally founded in 1884. One of the oldest institutions in Hong Kong, the Club offers horse racing and sports betting for overseas activities like soccer. We enjoyed performances by a youth opera group who were kind enough to perform their songs in English and even did one portion of the program to the tune of Farra Jacka! The kids were very talented and the make-up and costumes were gorgeous.

The kids’ performance was followed by a Face Changer. We tried to load videos with no luck – it sounds kind of boring, but it’s actually pretty cool. The guy does traditional dance and in the blink of an eye changes the mask on his face with no more than a quick nod of his head. Pretty cool.

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