Beautiful Taormina & Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy 06/02/2019)

Today we visited Delphi, Greece, situated 2,000’ above sea level on the slopes of Mount Paranassu, and believed by ancient Greeks to be the physical and spiritual center of the universe.

According to Greek mythology, Zeus sent two eagles, one from each of the Universe, and told them to find the “navel” of the world.  The two eagles went their separate ways.  They ended up meeting in Delphi at the same time and Zeus declared it the center of the universe (after all, two eagles can’t be wrong, right?).

Delphi became a sacred site and home to the most famous oracle, a high priestess who could foresee the future.  People came from all over Greece and beyond to have their questions about the future answered by the Priestess of Apollo.  To divine the answers, the priestess would crawl underground through a narrow corridor to a cave where she would stay until she received answers from the gods.  She would emerge from the cave often seeming to be dazed and confused or in a state of shock.  Only the high priest could interpret her sometime cryptic answers to the questions that had been posed.  According to one source, if the questioner didn’t like the answer given, he could often acquire “clarity” with the payment of a few more gold coins.

Today it is known that two faults intersect directly below the Delphi temple where the caves were located.  Geologists have also determined that hallucinogenic gasses rising from a nearby spring are preserved within the temple rock.  One of the gasses is known to produce a narcotic effect.  These findings are in line with the legend attributing the Oracle’s magic powers to vapors in the cave.  It was believed the steam in the cave produced a gas that, when inhaled, gave clarity of mind and allowed an individual to see the future.

The 3-hour drive from the port to Delphi took us through a great little village with narrow little streets.  There were quite a few gasps and heart-stopping moments as our driver maneuvered our giant bus down these streets, around parked cars, on-coming traffic and inattentive pedestrians!

Our visit included a tour of the Delphi museum and the ruins of the Delphi community.

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