Honningsvag (Nordkapp), Norway

We traveled to the farthest point north in the European continent. In comparison to the U.S. this is slightly farther north than Nome, Alaska. Fortunately, they were having a heat wave that day, it was 71 degrees. For a strange coincidence note this point is located at 71 degrees north latitude, hmmm.

Nordkapp, Norway

We are traveling with our friends Keith and Kathy Snider. The globe sculpture behind us is the most famous marker to get your picture taken with to prove you were here. Furthest northern point of the European continent.

The visitor center had a nice restaurant and Arctic museum

Restaurant and visitor center

These artistic disc and sculptures were popular are representing Viking expolration

Viking cultural sculpture
Pam and Kathy meet the Knolmes of ancient Viking legends
Amazing scenery staring north into the Arctic Circle
Honningsvag (Nordkapp), Norway

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