Bergen, Norway

July 8, 2022

Bergen is the second largest city in Norway with a population of 280,000. It is also one of the wettest cities in Norway. It rains 240-250 days a year, wow. It was overcast with occasional drizzle during most of our stay, very much like Seattle. Like the northwest no one allows the weather to dictate your day, as we saw wonderful sites and met great people.

Bergen, Norway
Bergen, Norway
Bergen marketplace near the pier

We also visited a local farm near Bergen. We were taken to a farm less than 15 minutes from Bergen. We were met at the farm by the owner and his local hand maidens. They were extremely gracious, courteous and welcoming. They showed us their horses and beautiful scenery. We watched as the sheep came galloping from the field to the house as fast as they could when they noticed the ladies with buckets of food. After a walk around the farm they took us into their home and fed us desserts, coffee and a very special treat, lefse. You may wonder what in the world is lefse. Lefse is a special Norwegian flat bread made from potatoes. My grandparents came from Norway and we used to have this treat all the time when we visited them. It is delicious after you butter it, sprinkle sugar and cinnamon, then roll it up like a crepe.

Bergen farm life
Bergen farm life
Bergen farm life
The roofs of many farm buildings are made of grass and the sheep and goats are put up there to maintain it occasionally
View from the farms back yard
Lefse on the right, plus other treats the farmer fed us

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