Vosshaggen (Voss), Norway

July 9, 2022

Voss is an international ski town and home of the World Cup ski challenge. Voss is a one hour train ride from Bergen, Norway. They have trains that run from Bergen to Voss about every 90 minutes and tickets range between $13-$40 Euros depending on demand and day. It was a very scenic drive through the Countryside with many views of mountains and fjords. We stayed at a wonderful hotel in central Voss that just happened to have the finest restaurant in town. I hate to say it but the meals here were much better than anything we had on the ship.

There is a large 10+ person cable car that takes you from the base in town to the top of the mountain where you will find additional ski lifts that take you to many choices of ski runs. Here are some pictures of Voss and the surrounding area.

View from the hotel room
Voss cable car looking towards town
View of Voss from top of the mountain vis cable car. Ski lifts can be located to my right and left to choices of ski runs.
It was cold here for July 9, it was 42 degrees at the top!

We also visited the local church built of stone in the center of town. Many people were buried in the church yard dating back to the mid 1800’s. Although the mainframe was made of stone the steeple was all wood, typical of most Norwegian structures.

Voss central church

On day two of our visit to Voss we took a tour that drove us through the countryside past MANY waterfalls, up, down and through mountains passing many local farms. We arrived in a small village to located on an inlet to more fjords. There we visited Hopperstad Stave Church. This church was originally built in 1130, over a thousand years ago. Can you imagine? The only way to this town back then was by boat! The church was refurbished in 1885 and it is an amazing wooden building. Stave churches were made completely of wood and only a few hundred continue to exist throughout Norway. 

Hopperstad Stave Church
Hopperstad Stave Church
Hopperstad Stave Church

After leaving the church we boarded a boat for our 2 hour journey through the fjords towards Jostedalsbreen Glacier. Attached are photos of our fjord journey and sites seen along the way.

Arriving at the town where we board the boat
A small town we passed by on our way to the glacier
A waterfall that overlooks the town.
The only beer brand available on the boat 😊
Picture of the glacier in early spring a few years ago

Jostedalsbreen Glacier is being affected by global warming. In the 100 years from 1901 to 2001 the glacier receded 1 mile. In the last 10 years the glacier has receded the same amount!!!

The glacier on July 9, 2022. That is a lot of melting and the temperature was 42 degrees today
Amazing scenery as you travel throughout Norway.
Wooly mammoths used to roam this ares thousands of years ago. This was at the entrance to the glacier museum.

Hope you enjoyed the tour of Voss and the fjords. Help yourself to an Aass beer next time you are in Norway.

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