Iguazu Falls – Brazil Side

January 16, 2023

Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better…it did!  We were blessed with nothing but sunshine on Day 2 at the Falls.  Immediately after breakfast we trekked across the street and down the path along the Falls, enjoying fantastic views every step of the way.  The “crowning glory” of the Falls is the Devil’s Throat, an area where falls converge over  a span of 500 feet (nearly the length of two football fields) in the shape of a horseshoe and fall a thundering 30 stories to the pool below.  Each minute enough water flows down the face of the falls to fill 36 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Following lunch back at the hotel came the moment we’d all been waiting for – a Zodiac boat ride to the bottom of the falls.  “You WILL get wet,” they said.  They weren’t lying.  It was a blast!! 

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to capture the best moments of all on film because, well, we were too busy protecting our cameras/phones from getting as wet as we were.  We had a really fun captain who took us directly under the falls, not once, not twice, but just to be sure no one had been left out, THREE times!!!

We had some time between the boat ride and dinner to get cleaned up and enjoy this breathtaking sunset over the falls. 

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