Montevideo, Uruguay

January 19, 2023

Montevideo is the capital city of Uruguay, a small country situated just between Argentina and Brazil.

Today’s tour involved a ride around the town and a visit to a local winery.  There’s not a lot of history or information to share, so we’ll get right to the highlights!

Views of the city

Juan Antonio Lavalleja organized and led an insurrection that resulted in Uruguay’s annexation from Brazil (they were granted independence from Spain in 1811 but had remained part of Brazil)

This statue pays tribute to the traditional transportation used by Uruguayan’s in days past – oxen pulling a cart.

We visited the Bodega Spinoglio, a fourth generation winery that specializes in Tannat grapes.  We enjoyed a walk around the grounds and were treated to a wine tasting.

Future plans for the winery include turning the silos in the picture to the right into airbnbs.  What a unique place that will be to stay!

Interesting fact:  until 2019 Montevideo was home to world’s largest ship cemetery. At the time there were more than 50 shipwrecks in its harbor.  Apparently, when an owner can no longer pay on the loan for the ship, or if the ship has liens issued against it it is a common practice for the owner to “abandon” the ship in some harbor away from the bank or lien interest.  Who knew?  In 2019 government officials decided these abandoned ships – almost all of which still have oil and fuel aboard – posed too great an environmental danger to remain in their harbor.  They began the arduous and expensive task of removing them.  They appear to be making progress; there were maybe 20 shipwrecks in the harbor when we were there.

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