Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

January 24, 2023

We were so looking forward to our visit to Port Stanley today, but alas, it was not meant to be.  This is a stop that requires us to tender from the ship to shore.  Anticipated winds of 30 mph and more made that impossible, so our visit will have to wait for another day.  Here are some images I borrowed from the web to show you what we’re missing.

We have learned some interesting things about Port Stanley though.  The entire population of the Falkland Islands total about 3,350 people, roughly 2500 of whom live in the capital of Stanley.  Forty-nine nationalities are represented in the population. 

The Stanley Power Station uses eight generators to provide all of the island’s power, but the generators are beginning to be supplemented with wind power as well.

Perhaps the most unique thing we’ve learned is about their air flights.  There’s no formal airport in the Falklands.  Instead, flights are provided through the local military base near Stanley.  Individuals wishing to fly out of the Falklands contact the base, provide information regarding when and where they need to go, and wait.  They listen to the local radio broadcast to hear their name and the date and time of their flight!

Sadly, we’ll have to wait another day to meet the King penguins in person. They are one of five species of penguins that live in the Falkland Islands.

The weather has turned colder, and the seas are getting a bit rougher, as expected. As I write this post, we are sailing the Atlantic Ocean.  It is full of white caps and the ship is rolling from side to side.  Makes for a great night’s sleep!

With the cancellation of this stop we’ll have six days at sea as we make our way through Admiralty Bay, past Half Moon Island, through Paradise Bay and Drake Passage before returning to Argentina.  Looking forward to some beautiful scenery!

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