And the locks just keep on coming!

May 15, 2024

Today, after leaving Nuremberg, we reached the “top” of the river, going through the biggest locks of our journey. Gaining almost 80′ elevation while sitting on a boat is a pretty amazing experience! The lock gets more and more narrow the further into it you go.

A line is tied onto a “bollard” that helps keep the boat stable as it rises in the water. As the lock fills with water and the boat is lifted up, the bollard travels up the wall with the boat. There is one on each side.

The numbers on the wall indicate the water level. The top number in this picture is 24 meters – just shy of 80′ – and that’s the number we hit.

Our young Captain spoke with us briefly earlier in the afternoon and confirmed that when the boat enters the lock it has only 6″ between the boat and the lock on each side.

The views on the other side were beautiful!

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