Budapest Postscript

May 22, 2024

While Pam was working on the blog for Budapest Ken took a little walk, a walk that led him across the river and up the hill to that beautiful building we were admiring during dinner last night, the Hungarian National Gallery.

Originally built in 1275 as a Royal Palace, the building and its grounds lived many lives before becoming the National Gallery in the 1960s. The Gallery’s collection covers all genres of Hungarian art, including the works of many 19th and 20th century artists.

Not knowing where to enter Ken ended up wandering almost the entire grounds before he came upon a large group of Asian tourists about to enter an outside elevator. As you can see, the display space is not limited to the inside of the building. The portraits below are painted on one of the exterior walls, showcasing the talent of a particular artist.

Ken quickly joined the group of Asians, thinking no one would notice an old white guy standing a foot taller than all of them. But his ploy worked; he followed them right to the entrance of the museum, where he decided as long as he was here he’d check it out.

Here are some of his favorite things…

That last picture is the inside of a dome of the building. You’ll notice a door in the center bottom that leads outside to a viewing platform. These figures are free-falling from the ceiling in the center of the dome.

The views from the Gallery are expansive.

Ken got his steps in, enjoyed a great view and some fine art and topped it all off with a beer with Pam after she finished the blog and joined. Not a bad way to spend the afternoon!

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